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Sleeping Frog Farms
Sleeping Frog Farms CSA (AZ)
4510 N Cascabel Rd, Benson, Arizona, 85602
(520) 212-3764
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About Us: 

Sleeping Frog Farms is an intensive 75-acre farm nestled in the Cascabel corridor of the San Pedro River Valley. Founded on permaculture design and biodynamic growing principles, we are dedicated to providing our community with seasonal heirloom fruits and vegetables through farmers markets, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), Farm-to-School, Food Coop and restaurant sales.

Earthworms and compost, soil probiotics and honey bees are all integral to pollination, soil-building and recycling crop waste into food and fertilizer. We harvest our diverse selection of produce daily and at its peak ripeness, in order to bring you the finest taste and nutrition in Southern Arizona.

The heart of our operation is our fifteen-acre vegetable operation. We grow a diverse selection of vegetables, with a focus on heirloom and desert-tolerant crops that boast the most robust flavors, colors, and productivity for our region. We are Certified Naturally Grown and do not use chemical pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. We use locally sourced antibiotic-free composted steer manure, sustainably sourced bat guano, Effective Microorganisms (EM), and organic pest controls when needed.

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