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Farmyard CSA (AZ)
4056 East Weldon Ave., Phoenix, Arizona, 85018
(602) 954-1440
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About Us: 

Farmyard sells our organically produced vegetables, herbs, fruits, and fresh eggs on a 5 or 10 week subscription basis. This can also simply be called a CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture. All of our produce is grown using organic practices at our urban micro-farms located in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona. With each subscription, our members receive a weekly Harvest Basket with a variety of our produce. This style of purchasing allows you the opportunity to try new items each week and introduce you to eating what is in season locally. Your subscription dollars provide us with support for a variety of the upfront costs of farming (such as seeds, organic soil amendments, equipment, etc.), and also allows us to sell to you directly - as your personal farmers.

Founded in 2009 by two sisters, Rebecca and Sarah Kidwell, Farmyard stands for the principles of self-reliant food production. They recognized that the current methodology of conventional commercial agriculture toward pesticide usage, genetically modified foods¸ and ‘food miles’, was a growing concern to themselves and their surrounding community. They knew that educated consumers were more frequently asking, “Where and how was this grown?” and “What is the time from farm to market?” In order to feed their two families, they expanded Rebecca’s existing backyard organic produce garden to utilize her front yard. The excitement expressed by the surrounding neighbors and local community members passing by planted the seed for the mission of Farmyard.

Our philosophy is simple. Grow locally. Produce organically. Eat well.

Farmyard’s Fresh Organically-Grown Omega-3 Enriched Eggs can be added on to any basket size.

Our girls are fed organically-grown laying feed, flax seed, cracked corn, and a variety of fruit and vegetable trimmings from our farms. Our eggs have creamy orange-yellow yolks, and when whipped the whitest whites! Our girls are pampered and their eggs show it! We keep a variety of breeds so each dozen eggs will be different colors of light brown, dark brown, white, blue, pink, and green.

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